This is one of those sayings that really resinates in so many facets of our lives. Love, Homes, Hobbies, Jobs and the list can go on. Stained glass for many around Denver, and every other city in the world for that matter. Stained glass to me is a reminder to me that there were people and things before my existence. This past week I took some time and created a little something for my own home since most of the projects I make are for clients. It was nice, and my heart is filled with the love and passion I have for stained glass! I hope stained glass makes you feel the same way!



Caffeine Creative

Caffeine Creative is a Creative Agency, All things Marketing and Advertising whether Digital or Tangle.  Photographer Patrick Jones an Internationally Published Photographer from Los Angeles and now in Portland Maine. I own Caffeine Creative, a Creative Agency. I work with clients from the West Coast to East Coast. I've been doing Photography several years now, but have a long history in Design/Film/Television and Radio. I'm pretty passionate about espresso and making latte art. Follow me on Instagram (SurJones) to see a peak instead a my daily hustle!